Tuesday 15 December 2009

Monday 23 November 2009

Updated Gantt Chart - Emma Parsons

This link goes to an updated Gantt Chart showing the extra time i spent on the planning and evaluation of my preliminary task:

Updated Gant Chart

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Actors, props, costume and location - Emma Parsons

The people in my group and I made a list of all the props, costumes and actors we would need for the filming of our production. This list has been uploaded. We then had to decide upon a suitable location where some of these props would be readily available. We decided to film at a member of the groups house so that many of our props were already there.

We chose the specific location, not only because of the props, but also because of the surroundings of the house; it is on a road with a number of similar that is dimly lit by street lights. We chose this setting because it is something many of our target audience can relate to, therefore making the story that much more frightening because it feels as though it could happen to them.

This is also why we chose the props and costumes that we did. All the characters are presented to be average teenagers, just like the target audience, and share common interests and hobbies. For example, teenage girls having an evening at home in they're pyjamas, playing games and watching television is something many will be able to relate to, it is a situation some of the audience may be in whilest watching the film. This again, is inteded to frighten the audience more because seemingly average people become targets of such a violent criminal.

Actors, props & costume list

Monday 16 March 2009


This is our survey for 'entity'. It's just a few questions to get peoples views on what they thought worked and what we could improve on.

Here are our survey results...

- Emma & Sophie.

Gantt Chart

This is our New Gantt Chart for our media production

Sophie's and Becky's preliminary task

Emma & Stevie's preliminary task

Monday 23 February 2009

Target Audience

1. What hobbies might your audience members have? They might enjoy having the adrenalin rush when watching a jumpy film with friends. They may enjoy art and creative subjects, such as photography and computer work. Other hobbies may include using the internet and television watching.

2. What rating would your film get in the UK?
We decided on a 15 due to the fact we didn’t want to use anything bloody or graphic. We wanted to take the approach that would just make people jump or think things like what’s happening next, more physiological than gore.

3. What other media works does this person consume regularly (e.g. TV, websites, radio stations, particular musical artists, internet etc).
We decided that our target audience would consume TV, internet (facebook, google, myspace etc.) and magazines regularly.

4. What comparable media works does your average audience member like/dislike?
Our average audience member would most probably enjoy such things as murder mysteries, and possibly not enjoy programmes for older ages, for example, documentaries.

5. What comparable films has your average audience member seen?
Many people who would enjoy our film may well have seen thrillers such as. Shutter, Hide & Seek, The Grudge and other films of that nature.

6. Where does your average audience member shop for clothes?
The average audience member for this film would probably shop in the high street for most of their clothes in shops such as H&M, Topshop/Topman and other popular stores of this nature.

7. In what magazines and on what websites would you advertise your film?
We would promote the film on social networking sites such as myspace and facebook as they are popular and widely used amongst the target audience. Also, in magazines such as “Look” and “heat” as again, they are bought by the age range of our audience.

8. At screenings for which films would you show your film’s trailer?
We would probably show the trailer for our thriller at the beginning of other film of the same genre and age certificate because it would be most likely to appeal to the audience about to view that film.