Friday 12 December 2008

Udated Film Brief - Emma Parsons

Film Brief

Our film is identeded to be a stereotypical example of the thriller genre. The main characters are three, young girls that are home alone one evening. We chose to do this so as to create a situation involving vulnerable young women which is ofen found within thrillers.

The girls decide to order a pizza during the night and shortly after their food arrives they begin getting harssassed with a repeated knocking at the door. When one of the characters goes to check who's at the door, each time no one is there. We chose to keep the predator anonymous for some time to add to the suspense and the fear in the piece. Again, this is a very common technique used in thriller films.

After the final knock one of the girls says that she has noticed someone outside the house, near the patio doors. They try phoning for help but phoneline isn't working. By this point the girls are beginning to panic, building supsense for the audience. Just after the girls realise the phone isn't working the delivery man jumps violently through the patio door wielding a knife, making both the characters in the story jump, and the audience.

We chose to use the delivery man for the killer because many thrillers often contain a twist in the story, for example; often the people who are being terrorised discover they are actually being harassed by someone they don't suspect and appear to be harmless, like in our piece, the delievery man.

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